LMSW Exam Prep: ASWB Masters Level Exam

Our LMSW Exam Study System prepares social workers to pass the ASWB Masters Level Exam. Our ASWB Masters Level Exam Study Guide includes everything you need to pass your exam with confidence. Our online study system includes access to:

  • An organized, step-by-step study plan designed by experts in social work - we are the only program with a 10-step system that gives you clear tasks to prepare for the ASWB Masters Level Exam. This makes your studying efficient and effective.
  • Audio lectures with printable handouts – listen and learn at your convenience. When you attend a workshop, you only get to hear that information once.  Real learning requires repetition. With our lectures, you can listen and take notes as many times as you need.
  • A thorough review of all essential content areas on the LMSW exam - we took the current ASWB Masters Level Handbook and organized our course in a way that makes all the information accessible and covers it in a way that will actually be tested on the ASWB Masters level exam.
  • Multiple, effective study tools - we learn best when the material is presented in different formats.  Our program does just that. We review the Top 50 Topics tested, provide multiple handouts, lectures, and quizzes to reinforce concepts.
  • Our clinical examples from professional social workers help you learn instead of just memorize the information, which is essential for successfully answering the reasoning-based questions that make up the majority of the exam.
  • Clear test-taking strategies and anxiety management you will use on exam day.
  • 600+ ASWB Masters Exam practice questions with audio or written rationales
  • Experienced LMSW exam prep coaches available via email for questions and support - our coaches have passed the ASWB Masters Level Exam with a score of 90% or higher!  They know the LMSW exam and will always email you back to you within two days (if not sooner!). We want to help you pass with our LMSW exam study guide program.

This ASWB Exam Prep program takes 50 hours of study time to complete once. We recommend studying 2-12 weeks for the ASWB Master Exam. Access to the program expires after 4 months, but extensions are FREE. We mean it when we say that we are with you until you PASS!

Still unsure if our social work ASWB Masters Level Exam Study Guide is right for you?

For many social workers, taking the ASWB Masters Level Exam can be very intimidating, and that is understandable. The ASWB Masters Level Exam covers a massive amount of content. With so many options - books, workshops, apps, and other online options, finding the right social work ASWB Masters Level Exam Study Guide can be daunting.

It has been our experience that many social workers come to us after using other social work ASWB Masters Level Exam Study Guides and failing.  Frustrated and defeated, they worry that they won't ever be able to pass the exam. Many students report that they were overwhelmed with books or the app that they bought were nothing like the ASWB Masters Level Exam.  We totally get it. That's exactly why we created this LMSW licensing exam training and exam study guide program for the ASWB Masters level exam. As social workers who have actually successfully passed the ASWB Masters Level Exam Study Guide who had seen the other study guides out there, we knew there was a very real need for a better program for test-takers. That is why we created a robust, but concise study system that provides a clear plan and multiple learning methods so your brain can truly learn and absorb the material. When it comes to passing the ASWB Masters Level Exam, you are in good hands with the Therapist Development Center team.  We look forward to helping you pass!

(Please note that for the Michigan LMSW exam, you want to sign up for our Clinical LCSW program, as this is the study system that will prepare you for the Michigan LMSW exam. Our LMSW exam prep is for a Masters level exam that is NOT required in the state of Michigan.)

LMSW Exam Prep: ASWB Masters Exam coaching

Course Reviews

I waddled into that test center 37 weeks pregnant with my 4th child and passed the LMSW exam on my first attempt. I am so grateful for the extensive resources the TDC program provided! I printed out EVERYTHING and reread them multiple times daily as I neared my test date. I reviewed rationales on the practice tests I took and am relieved to now be able to relax before our newest little arrival. Thank you for providing such an invaluable resource for us eager future therapists!

You all prepared me to the point where I walked out of the exam room knowing I passed.

I took the exam for the first time last year and failed. I was devastated. Even though I studied the Dawn Apgar book and thought I was prepared, I wasn't because the book did not teach me how to answer reasoning questions. I called a friend who'd passed it on her third try; and found out about TDC when she mentioned using the program to prepare for the third try. I was a little hesitant due to the cost but soon agreed it would be worth it, so I bought the program. I listened to the lectures every single day and learned Amanda's critical thinking technique on answering reasoning questions. Amanda became my friend in my head as I listened to every lecture. I took the quizzes and mock exams. I scored 130 on the final mock exam three days before the actual exam, and it boosted my spirit. I think anybody who uses TDC program could easily pass the exam. I'm planning on using it for the LCSW exam. Thank you to Amanda and the TDC staff!!

I repeatedly listened to the audio and to the quizzes. The TDC coursework helped lesson my anxiety by preparing me on how to answer the questions. I'm really grateful!

I had a two week condensed timeframe from purchasing these study materials to taking the LGSW exam. I already had a lot of the knowledge, but this course really taught me how to think in the right mindset for the questions. The LGSW exam is mostly about understanding how to prioritize answers, so my knowledge alone would not have guaranteed a pass. When I took the test, I felt very in control and was not caught off guard by content and format. I ended up blowing the test out of the water with a 119, so I think the money I spent was definitely worth it!

I thought the program was extremely helpful and calmed my nerves, as I had previously been mashing random sources together. I was unemployed and completed the program in 1.5 weeks. I listened to most of the recordings at 1.5 speed so I got through them a bit faster. I would definitely recommend this program. Even though it was expensive, the idea of waiting 3 months and paying for the exam again made this a no brainer for me. I really could hear the woman's voice in my head during the test while I was trying to choose answers, which made me feel way calmer. I scored 30 points over what I needed to pass. (When I was taking the mock exams for TDC, I was scoring sort of poorly so I finally decided to take the official ASWB practice exam. I scored 30 points over on the practice exam passing number, and did the same on the actual exam as well. So don't get too worried if you are scoring more poorly on TDC.) GOOD LUCK!!!

I love this program. My test kept being delayed during COVID and I was able to extend the membership easily. I did not use any other study materials. I was able to pass the exam on the first attempt. I will use this program again as I prepare for the LCSW.

I used TDC to study for my ASWB exam and passed on the first time! I went through the program twice and felt super confident walking into the exam.

I used TDC to study for my ASWB exam and passed on the first time! I went through the program twice and felt super confident walking into the exam.

It was amazing and easy to navigate. I felt confident and ready on exam day!

TDC is a great program for content and learning how to think the way the exam wants you to think. I learned soo much and felt prepared for my exam as well as going into the field and practicing as a licensed social worker. I will use again when I'm going for my LCSW in the future. Thanks again!

I passed my LMSW exam on the first try! I love TDC

I am extremely grateful for this program! The study plan, supportive coaches, information, reviews, and practice quizzes with rationale helped guide me in knowing where to begin and most importantly assisted me in developing the confidence that I needed to successfully pass the test on my first try! It was such a wonderful accomplishment to successfully pass the test with +13. I would recommend this program to everyone, and I will be purchasing this program again when it is time to take the LCSW test. Thank you again for providing me with support, encouragement, and the confidence that I needed to successfully complete this test!

As someone who was working full-time and just completed their social work Master's, it was wonderful to have a thorough, organized review to guide me in studying for the licensing exam. It completely changed my mindset on how to understand and answer test questions, which I believe helped me to pass the exam!

I passed on my first attempt using TDC. Not only did I pass, but I passed the hardest exam version by 25 points! I was anxious leading up to the exam because I did not seek licensure immediately upon graduation like most. TDC gave me a comprehensive review of everything I learned in my grad school program in an easy to digest format. Other exam programs require a lot of reading from a book and it becomes difficult to hone in on key concepts. TDC fit my learning style of "auditory/kinesthetic learner" and I was able to listen to videos while I exercised, cooked or cleaned and then cement what I studied with the Quick Study handouts. I also appreciated having all of my study materials in "one place." I made a binder of study handouts from TDC and purchased a notebook for lecture notes. These materials went everywhere with me and were essential to my exam prep. Due to the organized structure of TDC studying fit into my life seamlessly and I felt prepared exam day. Thank you so much TDC!

Needed 99 correct, got 127! I studied for exactly 1 month, with most days having about 2-3 hours to study.

This program saved my BUTT! I was so worried about the exam and scared I was going to fail no matter what I did. I passed on the first try! This program was so helpful in addressing those concerns while also allowing me to see how much I have learned.

I was hesitant to purchase the study plan because of the price, but it was worth every dollar! I found that reading textbooks and other study texts were tedious and very unhelpful. I love how TDC breaks it down into manageable chunks, focusing on the most common/important topics, and creating easier ways to remember the material. I passed my LMSW test the first time, after going through the course twice! I will likely use it again when I go to study for my LCSW test in the future!

I am a new mom and was struggling to find time and ways to study. I made the mistake of waiting till the last minute to test but this program helped me with a structure of what and how to study. Although I failed the exam the first time it was only by a point and I do think that nerves had a lot to do with that but TDC reset the program for me and even reached out to me to see how they could assist and support me which I appreciated. If it wasn't for this program I don't think I could have had the motivation or structure to study and pass.

The program helped me increase my score by 16 correct answers, in comparison to my previous failed exam. I passed and additionally got an extra 12 questions correct. The program gave me more confidence in taking the test and also during the exam itself. I went into the exam familiar with many terms. I felt confident that I would do well, and I did. I appreciated the instructor's recommendations for test prep. The pre-exam fruit, carbs and protein helped me feel energized throughout the test.


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